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Jeff & Em

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Last week we threw my older brother Nate a surprise birthday party... The big 27! He'd never had one before so... I told my lil bro Andy to plan it and he did a great job. Katie wanted to go but it was past her bedtime (started at 8:30). But I made an exception and took her.
Nate got home, everyone hid in the kitchen and Katie ran out and gave him a big hug and asked "What's in the kitchen, Nate?" he went in the kitchen and... There everyone was.
I told Katie she could eat a few goodies and what did she choose?
Carrots!!!! I was so proud. Doughnuts, cake, or carrots and that was her choice.
I usually have to trick her into eating her veggies so that was monumental! :)

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