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Jeff & Em

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Teaching opportunities

Being a stay at home mom is already giving me opportunities I never knew I was missing out on. The last few days Katie has been begging to watch The Testaments: of one fold and one shepherd. Strange for a two-year-old? Yes, but she's watched it four times in the last 3 days and continues to ask for the "Jesus movie." I forward to the parts with Jesus, this has enabled me to teach her a little bit more about him.
Of course we have family night, but lets face it Katie can't really sit still for an actual lesson. Up until now I got as far as teaching her he loves us, we love him, and he is a wonderful person.
She liked that Jesus could fix the mans eyes that didn't work, and make sick people better. It's been fun to see her learning more about him.
I love these new teaching moments that arise when I'm home all day every day. It's so fun to find different ways to teach different things. Whether it's academic or spiritual, I never realized how many opportunities during the day I was missing while I was at work. I don't pick when the moments come (and when I try to force a teaching moment it doesn't always work out so well).
I'm seeing blessings already. I'm grateful that things worked out the way they did, and I know that things will get harder as we run out of money but, money can't replace this time I'm getting with my kids.
I'm grateful for right here, and right now where I get to be there for my kids all of the time. No more leaving when I know my girls aren't feeling 100%, no more having to rely on my mom to comfort Katie after a fall because I don't want to be late for work.
This is great, I hope it works out that I can continue focusing on the most important job I'll ever have, being a mommy. I like this no working outside the home business

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you are getting to be there for your daughters! How cute that Katie loves watching about Jesus. Thanks for sharing...I really needed to hear today how important motherhood is.
