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Jeff & Em

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Princess Festival and more

My all too sweet sister-in-law took Katie and I to the princess festival. I complain that my brothers aren't married but I do have ONE sister, and if I only get one right now, I'm glad it's her. She really is great.
The festival was SUPER cute, but Katie was being kind of a party pooper. A good chunk of it, she was acting as though I were torturing her. Mostly because when you first walk in there is a large water area, and asking Katie to walk past water without getting in and splashing around is torture to her. I wanted to save that for last because I knew once she started playing in the water she would not be leaving without a fight; at which point we'd have to go home.

Despite her less than pleasant moments, she loved it (especially the very end when I finally let her play in the water). When we got home she had to tell her daddy all about it. She saw Rapunzel, and said she wanted to go say hi, when we got close to her for pictures she acted as though I was pushing her towards a monster. So... her mean mother FORCED her to stand by Rapunzel long enough to snap a picture. I told her if she smiled she would get a sucker. I don't like to offer her candy often, but when I do it's pretty much a sure fire way to motivate her. She LOVES all things sweet (except hostess snacks). I blame her dad who is constantly sneaking her little treats. Fortunately Katie is a good tattle-tale and informs be everytime her dad gives her a snack when he's not supposed to. For example: before dinner or any meal, after her teeth are brushed (yep that's his FAVORITE time to sneak her a treat, I suppose he wants her teeth to rot :P)
Katie decided beanie needed to dress up too.

Dog does NOT look happy, does she?
Ahh, my little pleasant child who is NOT great with strange adults, princesses or not. But this princess was sweet, she was the best at putting little Kate at ease.
Smile for candy, Katie!
The carriage ride :)
AndFINALLY the water area.
and more
Little blonde snow white.
Kylee won't eat yogurt, which was one of Katie's favorite foods at her age BUT if you freeze it, she's tricked into thinking it's a Popsicle.
Daddy can't have one without the kids needing their share
Katie cooking with her grandma Bennett. I love that she is forming special memories with her grandparents.
Fun splash pad in Hurricane? I think... or somewhere near there. Katie called it a lily pad, silly girl
Kylee trying to plug in my phone, I thought it was cute, but she ended up ruining the charger (thank goodness it wasn't my phone)
Katie and my lil bro-in-law Jared. She LOVES him!!! She is his shadow whenever we visit.
I love that even though we don't live close, she is still able to form close relationships with Jeff's side of the family.

1 comment:

  1. You can tell that Katie enjoyed at least parts of the Princess Festival. ;) Did they tell you that the carriage is from the movie Ella Enchanted? At least, I think that's the movie my uncle said it was from....
