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Jeff & Em

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kids, Birthdays, and more

Wow, I've been horrible about updating.  Here it goes...

My parents' dog Champ is the most patient dog you will ever meet.  She lets Kylee climb all over her without so much as a complaint (don't worry I interfere if Kylee starts pulling hair, but Champ still wouldn't do anything)  Good doggy :)
Helping mommy make brownies for dad who has had to study for 11 big exams within ONE week.  InSaNe, right?  Grad school is rough.  I suppose I'll just have to expect the last 3 weeks of each semester we will basically not see Jeff

More pictures of just how patient dear champy is.  Love that dog (love ours too, but Beanie won't sit and take it, she'll eventually run away).
(two weeks ago) I was making breakfast for my girls when Katie asked if I'd help her with a puzzle. I told her I could help her after breakfast but that she could work on it at the table until I brought her food to her.
Ten minutes later (or less) she had it completely finished! All by herself. I was impressed, she usually needs me to be right with her helping her figure out where they go.

 Watching firewords on the 24th :)  She had to clap and jump the ENTIRE time aerials were going off. It was so cute to see the excitement on her sweet little face
 trying to escape ;)
 snuggling with daddy, these are those moments that can never be replaced.  I'm grateful to have such a loving devoted father to my children
 Random picnic in our backyard :)
 This is how our mornings go :) the girls wake up, climb into my bed and play under the covers.

 Kylee's first birthday :)  She didn't quite know what to think about the gifts, Katie opened them all and Kylee watched, playing with each thing as Kate opened it.  It actually worked out well, both kids were pretty happy

 This was an early gift from her aunt Sheralyn and uncle Chris.  Kylee LOVES it and has to sleep with it every night.  In fact, how I know she's awake is I hear "Hi Kylee... I love you, Kylee."  Yep it says her name and is just ADORABLE!
 Music toy from Grandma Geslison :) another favorite

Also not shown is a baby doll from Grandma Bennett, it is SO cute to see her play with it. Sister Peery, a sweet woman in our ward (and my former 5th grade teacher) gave us a doll bed and it is the sweetest thing to see Kylee put her baby to bed

 Grandpa Geslison loves his granddaughters.  He can't wear his glasses around Kylee though, she takes them off and tosses them aside.  Silly girl
 Kylee's birthday cake.  We gave her lava cake once and she freaked, so that's what we wanted to make and it was a SUCCESS!

 Swimming in Hurricane
Does it look like I'm having fun? 

Ok so, in honor of my two girls birthday's I'd like to list some or their favorites/accomplishments

Favorite Blankey:  A purple fleece blanket with her name and Tinkerbell on a corner.  I bought it online for super cheap and gave them as gifts to my girls for Christmas.  Kylee LOVES hers, and after many washes, since it's such a low quality fabric, it's not even soft anymore.  Katie's is more gently used and I made the mistake of trying to let Kylee use that while I washed hers and she was not fooled, not even for a second.  "wait, this isn't right... it's soft" I'm sure that's was she was thinking :)

Favorite book: actually it's very recently changed, it's a cute baby animals book given to her by Tenika (THANK YOU!) it's cute to see her pointing to all the animals, and she'll of course take my finger and "help" me point to them as well.

Favorite toy: a ball popper (actually Katies, but she loves it), her My Pal puppy, and most things that make noise

Favorite Food:  Spaghetti and Pizza.  She will gobble those up and are quite literally the only two foods she will consistently eat... that and toast.

I wish I had all the first dates like I do with Katie but I can give the month.
First rolled over: 4 months
Sat unsupported: 6 months
First tooth: ALMOST six months and she had SEVEN teeth before she hit eight months
crawled: 8 months, almost nine months
First steps: 11 months, now at 12 months she's walking a lot.  Not incredibly well but she does it.

Favorite Books: Pinkalicious, Lady Bug Girl, and the Elephant and Piggie book "Can I Play Too," she laughs and laughs, it's the cutest thing.
Favortie "lovie": her white fleece blanket which, three years later, is STILL soft and her "scrumbly kitty"
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite color:  PINK, PINK, PINK!!!  If you are giving her ANY option, ice cream, toy, shirt, etc and pink is an option, whatever is pink will be her choice
Favorite TV show: Dino Dan (super annoying but she'll choose that above anything else) and Team Umizoomi
Favorite Movies: Tangled, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid
Favorite Toys: Her little people toys, and some finger puppets she got from completing a reading program at the library AND a pretend cash register. 
Favorite Pass-time: All things art... play dough, finger paint, water color, markers, side-walk chalk, and WATER, my kid LOVES water :)

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